What Did You Expect? (Spanish Paperback)

¿Qué Estabas Esperando? – Redimiendo las Realidades del Matrimonio (What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage))

What Did You Expect? (Spanish Paperback)

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Todos los matrimonios se convierten en algo que los esposos no querían. En algún punto necesitarás algo más sólido que el romance; algo más profundo que los intereses comunes y que la atracción mutua. Necesitarás expectativas diferentes y compromisos radicales, y lo que es más importante, necesitarás de la gracia de Dios.

  • Tipo de cubierta: Libro de bolsillo.
  • No. Páginas: 292.
  • Originalmente publicado en ingles en 2010 por Crossway con el título: “What Did You Expect? Redeeming the Realities of Marriage”
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-8090-2

"Noel and I listened to most of this book driving in the car! Wise words. Authentic experience. Provocative application. Turned a long trip into a fruitful two-person marriage seminar."

John Piper, Desiring God Ministries

"When Paul Tripp teaches, preaches, or writes he does so through the lens of the gospel. In What Did You Expect?, Paul faithfully and brilliantly lets the gospel bear its weight on the messiness and beauty of marriage. I, personally, found the book to be helpful, and we use it extensively at The Village."

- Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor, The Village Church; author, The Explicit Gospel

"What I've come to expect from Paul Tripp is consistently deep, transparent, biblical, wise, practical, gospel-driven counsel. Rather than muddying the water with self-focused strategies designed to meet our ever-multiplying needs, Paul, as the seasoned soul-physician he is, correctly diagnoses our problems and provides the cure—humble faith in Jesus Christ. I wasn't disappointed. You won't be either."

- Elyse Fitzpatrick, counselor; speaker; author, Give Them Grace

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