
Digital media and technology are altering the way people act—and react—toward each other. Criticism, outrage, and controversy dominate social engagement and unfortunately many Christians have joined in the chaos. This book instructs believers to view digital media and technology through the lens of the gospel and points them toward a biblical framework for communication.
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“By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” - John 13:35

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Reactivity explains how God wants the church to engage with culture and each other, encouraging Christians to think wisely about their interactions and be a beacon of light in an age of digital and social toxicity.


"The gospel of Jesus Christ is meant not only to deliver our souls to heaven but also to transform our behavior on earth. And, deeper still, it is meant to transform our desires, our attitudes, and our instincts. It is even meant to transform our reactions and responses to those who oppose us, disagree with us, or sin against us. In this timely book, Paul Tripp calls us to react to the chaos around us in a distinctly Christian way that counters the toxicity that exists deep within our hearts and deep within our culture. If we would heed his call, the world would be blessed, the church would be strengthened, and the Savior would be glorified."
Tim Challies
Seasons of Sorrow: The Pain of Loss and the Comfort of God
Reactivity offers a rich gospel perspective for navigating relationships with Christlikeness. The practical applications paint a hopeful picture of what could be if we let God’s word transform us. A must-read for anyone engaging with others online!”
Ruth Chou Simons
Wall Street Journal bestselling author; artist; Founder, GraceLaced Co.
“Every day we find ourselves walking through a minefield of online rage. But now our friend Paul Tripp helps us turn from that ‘culture of toxic reactivity’ toward a community of life-giving response to Jesus. What could be more attractive—or urgently needed?”
Ray Ortlund
President, Renewal Ministries
“Paul David Tripp says that logging off Twitter won’t get you away from angry reactivity. The polarizing way we communicate has seeped from social media into our families, our communities, and our churches. With wisdom and grace, Tripp lays a path from frustrated reactivity to gospel-centered communication. While this book would benefit anyone, I’d especially recommend it to any Christian leader on social media.”
Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra
Senior Writer and Faith-and-Work Editor, The Gospel Coalition

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Meet the Author

Paul David Tripp is a pastor, award-winning author, and international conference speaker. He posts daily on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook and has written numerous books, including the best-selling daily devotional, New Morning Mercies. His nonprofit ministry exists to connect the transforming power of Jesus Christ to everyday life. Tripp lives in Philadelphia with his wife of 50+ years, Luella, and they have four grown children.
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