A Free 3-Session Video Bible Study from Paul Tripp
Everyone wants to be happy, but happiness isn’t what we need most. We’re all chasing JOY–a fruit of the Spirit that unlocks an abundant life of gratitude and generosity.
In his brand-new Bible study, Paul Tripp will help you to realize and preserve joy, regardless of your circumstances. Jesus doesn’t promise pain-free living, but he does promise unshakeable joy!
Enter your details to get your free access.
Redeeming Joy is completely free and available for immediate streaming and download.
It includes three, 25-minute video lessons and a study guide that can be used by individuals, couples, groups, and churches! Sign up today, grab your Bible, and experience a joy-filled relationship with Christ and others.
Redefine and Rediscover JOY
Experience JOY with Others
Free accompanying study guide to use in groups, pairs, and individually.
Get Free Access Today
Sign up now to unlock the 3-part video series, accompanied by a Bonus Study Guide!
Paul Tripp Ministries can help you make the most of this resource. Email Teaching@PaulTripp.com with any questions.