Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace? (Conference Audio Download)

Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace? (Digital Audio Download)

Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace? (Conference Audio Download)

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Is your Christian school something more than a system of rules? Are you asking the law to do what only grace can accomplish? Rules restrain sin and rules expose sin, but rules will never deliver a child from sin. A biblical perspective tells us that what is wrong with children is something more profound than lack of information and skill.

Christian education is war, but not a war between teacher and student. All these struggles are the fruit of a deeper struggle - the war for the heart. God loves these children and wants to rule their heart, so He placed them in an environment where they can be shown the love of their Redeemer. Teachers, administrators, and staff are the tools for this love.

Your Christian School: A Culture of Grace? helps you win the deeper war for the hearts of your students. It’s only when your school is a functional culture of grace that real, lasting character change takes place and your classrooms become peaceful places of learning. Transform your school into a culture of grace where education thrives!

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Listen To The First Session

9 audio sessions to stream or download.

Total Run Time: 7 hours, 23 minutes.

Sessions Include:

  1. Session 1 (38:18)
  2. Session 2 (48:03)
  3. Session 3 (46:21)
  4. Session 4 (57:03)
  5. Session 5 (32:38)
  6. Session 6 (1:07:18)
  7. Session 7 (1:14:18)
  8. Session 8 (50:50)
  9. Session 9 (28:36)

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