Broken-Down House (eBook)

Broken Down House: Living Productively in a World Gone Bad (eBook)

Broken-Down House (eBook)

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Sin has ravaged the house that God created. This world sits slumped, disheveled, and in pain, groaning for the restoration that can only be accomplished by the hands of him who built it in the first place. The bad news is that you and I are living right in the middle of the restoration process. The good news is that the divine Builder will not relent until everything about his house is made totally new again. Emmanuel lives here with us, and he is at work returning his house to its former beauty.

Someday you will live forever in a fully restored house, but right now you are called to live with peace, joy, and productivity in a place damaged by sin. How can you be an active part of the restoration at the heart of God's plan? The book in your hands will teach you to live productively in the here and now.

  • eBook Bundle includes three (3) files: the .pdf file, the .epub file for iOS devices, and the .mobi file for Kindle devices.
  • Printed page count: 224 pages.
  • Published in 2009 by Shepherd Press.
  • Printed ISBN-13: 978-0-9815-4006-1

"There is a lot of biblical wisdom here, exactly what we have come to expect from its author. Paul Tripp makes plain how we can truly experience the restoration of a broken-down life ravaged by sin but made new in Christ."

Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

"Paul's writing meets us where we are and directs us to where God has called us to be. If you need to understand how Scripture sparks change in real life, read Tripp!"

- Dave Harvey, Sovereign Grace Ministries

"Paul Tripp reminds us that although we often feel helpless, we are actually filled with the same life-giving, world changing power that resurrected Jesus from the grave. As we embrace this power we can enter the most dilapidated rooms of creation and transform them through the love of Christ."

- Ken Sande, President, Peacemaker Ministries

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