Awe (Translated eBook)

Awe (Translated eBook)
Awe (Translated eBook)
Awe (Translated eBook)
Awe (Translated eBook)

Awe (Translated eBook)

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Humans are hardwired for awe. Whether it’s the Grand Canyon, a beautiful work of art, or the birth of a baby, we love to be amazed. But there’s something—or Someone, rather—who surpasses all others: God himself.

Helping us kindle an ever-growing passion for God’s glory, this book by popular author Paul David Tripp reminds us of the importance of awe for shaping everything we choose, decide, think, desire, say, and do. Reflecting on how awe for God impacts our approach to spiritual warfare, ministry, material things, and more, Tripp will energize your love for God by opening your eyes afresh to the glory of his love, grace, and power.

"I still remember the first time I was in awe of God. It came after years of attending churches and calling myself 'Christian.' It was a major turning point in my life. It is an awe of God that inspires my major life decisions as well as my daily actions. Thank you, Paul, for getting beyond symptoms and getting at the heart of the matter. This book is brilliant, and I wish every believer would read it carefully. We live in a crazy time. We need books like this to help lay healthy foundations for our lives, so that we don't spend our days overreacting to unpredictable events."

Francis Chan, New York Times best-selling author, Crazy Love and Forgotten God

"Paul Tripp's books always challenge me and draw me closer to Christ. This book is no exception. As followers of Jesus, we can sometimes get too comfortable with God. It's easy to forget that part of knowing and loving God is revering him. If you will read this book with a hungry and humble heart, God will use it to deepen your passion for Christ as you rediscover just who God is and why we're invited to revel in his awesome glory."

- Craig Groeschel, Senior Pastor of; author, From This Day Forward: Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage

"Simply put, I read everything that Paul Tripp writes. I can't afford to miss one word."

- Ann Voskamp, New York Times best-selling author, One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are

"I just finished reading this book and I'm writing this at 2:45am in tears. Dr. Tripp has tapped into something that I hope is like a defibrillator to the flatlined believer...WE WERE MADE TO LIVE IN AWE! May we never forget this!"

- Bart Millard, lead singer of MercyMe

"Paul Tripp has a way of helping us get beyond the surface. As I was reading this work, it is clear that he has thought through this subject deeply. The theological reflection that had to happen prior to this book, has paid off on these pages. Read this work and find yourself challenged and encouraged to stand in awe of the reality of God and to take Him seriously because of it!"

- Dr. Eric M. Mason, author, Manhood Restored and Beat God to the Punch; founder and pastor of Epiphany Fellowship

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