Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands (Spanish Paperback)
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Quizás nos aliviáramos si Dios hubiera puesto nuestra santificación sólo en las manos de los “profesionales” preparados, pero así no fue su plan. Al contraste, por medio del ministerio de cada miembro del cuerpo de Cristo, llegamos la iglesia a la madurez en Cristo.
- Número de páginas: 398
- Tipo de cubierta: Libro de bolsillo
- Originalmente publicado en ingles en 2002 por P&R con el título: “Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands”
- ISBN-13: 978-1-9289-8082-7
"Paul Tripp helps us discover where change is needed in our own lives and the lives of others. Following the example of Jesus, Tripp reveals how to get to know people, and how to lovingly speak truth to them. As inadequate as we are, God is eager to use us to help others change. The more you apply the biblical principles discussed in this book, the more readily you will fit into his mighty hand."
- Ken Sande, President, Peacemaker Ministries
"A wonderful reminder that everyone who belongs to Jesus can help others. God gave us to each other! This is a wise and helpful book that should change your life and that of the church. Read it! You'll be glad."
- Steve Brown, broadcaster, Key Life Radio
"Tripp is a careful and skillful physician of the heart. He unites a loving heart with a mind trained to the Scriptures. This book is a great companion for pastors and counselors. It will guide anyone who wants to give real help to others, the saving help that is found in Christ's redeeming work."
- Richard Phillips, Senior Pastor, Second Presbyterian Church, Greenville, S.C.
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