Lead (Spanish Paperback)
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Winner of the ECPA Book of the Year Award for Ministry Resources
La iglesia está experimentando una crisis de liderazgo. Por cada pastor famoso siendo el centro de atención hay cientos de pastores no tan conocidos que desaparecen. ¿Por qué hay tantos pastores dejando el ministerio? El autor de éxitos de venta Paul David Tripp sugiere que detrás del fracaso de un pastor existe un liderazgo débil.
Usando la Escritura como guía, Tripp presenta al lector un modelo con doce principios necesarios para un liderazgo centrado en el evangelio. Este libro contiene un mensaje tanto para aquellos que son nuevos en el ministerio como para aquellos con más experiencia: la presencia permanente de Dios es nuestra esperanza para el liderazgo.
- Número de páginas: 240
- Tipo de cubierta: Libro de bolsillo
- Originalmente publicado en ingles en 2020 por Crossway con el título: “Lead: 12 Gospel Principles for Leadership in the Church”
- ISBN-13: 978-1-0877-3643-3
“I think I have read everything Paul Tripp has written! Few people have inspired and instructed me with clear, gospel-saturated wisdom like he has, and I’m excited to see him apply this wisdom to leadership. As is often said, everything rises or falls on leadership, including the family, the home, and the spiritual self. Dangerous Calling was eerily prophetic in its anticipation of the fall of a number of high-profile leaders, each one adding to the heartbreak of a church in a leadership crisis. I am grateful to see that conversation extended, and I hope many will not only read this book, but saturate themselves in the gospel it puts forward.”
J. D. Greear, President, Southern Baptist Convention; author, Not God Enough; Pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina
“This book is the perfect complement to Tripp’s Dangerous Calling. The warning of ‘functional gospel amnesia’ captures so well why this book is needed. Leaders do not need more gimmicks. Leaders need more grace. They need more gospel.”
- Daniel L. Akin, President, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Tripp’s books have been some of the most influential books in my life. Lead is no exception! You will find within the pages of this book practical, gospel-centered help as you lead and serve others.”
- Jennie Allen, New York Times best-selling author, Get Out of Your Head; Founder, IF:Gathering
“The strength of this book lies in the way Tripp shapes his treatment of leadership by two things: his understanding of the gospel, and his grasp of the organic nature of the local church. At one level, this is an easy read; at another level, it is sometimes probing and painful.”
- D. A. Carson, Theologian-at-Large, The Gospel Coalition
“Tripp knows the heart and hurts of the leader. He writes with a vulnerable compassion borne out of shared experiences and a conviction rooted in deep biblical wisdom. Lead is by far the best book on ministry leadership I have read and one to which I will undoubtedly return.”
- Mark Bailey, President and Senior Professor of Bible Exposition, Dallas Theological Seminary
“Wow. I had no idea that reviewing this book would become so very personal, so penetrating—an experience of leadership surgery that sliced my soul open with conviction and then sutured it shut with grace. Tripp is among the few who have the experience, stature, transparency, and clarity to call church leaders back to the urgency of gospel transformation in ministry. May God give me, and all of us, ears to hear these truths . . . and enough courageous humility to apply them!”
- Dave Harvey, President, Great Commission Collective; author, I Still Do
“While this book is written primarily for pastors and ministry leaders, it is appropriate for any Christ-following leaders who operate in the sacred or the secular. As a leader who spent thirty years in c-suite roles in business and now almost four years as a leader in a global ministry, I found the twelve gospel principles to be spot on. I encourage any leader, either in business or ministry, to pick this book up and digest it.”
- Steve Shackelford, Chief Executive Officer, Redeemer City to City
“Only read this book if you are desperate to be a more humble, gentle, and gracious servant of Christ. If you want something that will chart your way to ecclesiastical fame and celebrity-pastor status, this is not it. This book is about sacrificial, humble, death-to-self leadership—not self-centered, superficial, self-promoting, narcissistic authoritarianism. On every page, Tripp challenges us to recapture a thoroughly biblical approach to leadership in the church, and that is precisely what we need as we lead amid the raging battle all around us—a battle for our joy, our perseverance, our lives, our families, and the people we serve—to the end that God would get all the glory, and not us.”
- Burk Parsons, Senior Pastor, Saint Andrew’s Chapel, Sanford, Florida; Editor, Tabletalk
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