How People Change (Spanish Facilitator's Guide)
Designed to accompany:
A changed heart is the bright promise of the gospel. When the Bible talks about the gift of a new heart, it doesn't mean a heart that is immediately perfected, but a heart that is capable of being changed. Jesus' work on the cross targets our hearts---our core desires and motivations---and when our hearts change, our behavior changes. It's amazing to watch people who once seemed stuck in a pattern of words, choices, and behaviors start living in a new way as Christ changes their hearts.
This Facilitator's Guide works best when used with the DVD Seminar and Study Guide (both sold separately). These guides include additional lesson content for the twelve sessions, homework discussions, and "Make It Real" life applications.
PLEASE NOTE: The DVD Seminar is not in Spanish, nor does it have Spanish subtitles / captions. It is only available in English.
Paperback Facilitator's Guide. Includes 12 sessions that tracks with the DVD Seminar
Sessions Include:
- Here's Where God Is Taking You
- So, You're Married To Christ
- Change Is A Community Project
- Life As God Sees It, Change As God Does It
- Heat 1: The Real God in the Real World
- Heat 2: The Real You in the Real World
- Thorns 1: What Entangles You?
- Thorns 2: Why Do You Get Entangled?
- Cross 1: New Identity and New Potential
- Cross 2: The Cross and Daily Living
- Fruit 1: Real Heart Change
- Fruit 2: New and Surprising Fruit
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