Hebrews 11: Faith - What Are You Hoping For? (Paperback Study Guide)
Designed to accompany:
What is faith? We all know that the Bible defines faith as "the assurance of things hoped for and the conviction of things not seen" - but do we know how to live by faith in the street-level situations and relationships of our daily Christianity?
Using Hebrews 11 as a guide, Paul Tripp will contend that there are no heroes of faith in the Bible. Noah, Abraham, Moses and the others enshrined were weak and messy Christians just like us, who often felt that the call of God was too big for them.
Use this Study Guide with the 9-session DVD series for your next small group series, Sunday school curriculum, or ministry retreat - and discover how to live a hope-filled life of faith in Jesus Christ!
Watch The Trailer
Watch The First Session
Paperback Study Guide. Includes 9 sessions that tracks with the DVD series
Sessions Include:
- The Object of Faith
- The Definition of Faith
- Authentic Faith
- Faith That Changes You
- Faith and the Irrationality of Life
- Faith-Based Value
- Redeeming Faith
- The Freedom of Faith
- Faithful Dissatisfaction
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